Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lemon Law Tips

Lemon Law Tips

KEEP A COPY of all documentation you have regarding your vehicle and its history. This includes all repair orders, purchase contracts, warranty book and owners manual that came with your car.
TAKE WRITTEN NOTES of all conversations you have with your dealership and repair technicians concerning your vehicle and its “lemon” potential. Include the date, time and what specifically was discussed. This includes phone calls and in-person contact.
ASK ABOUT TSB’s, or Technical Service Bulletins, instructions from the manufacturer that alert dealerships of specific defects or necessary repairs in certain models. If you don’t ask your dealer might not present you with this information, so speak up and ask your technician to write your request on the repair order.
PREPARE A TIMELINE if you have many repair orders in your possession, to organize each repair attempt by date, the number of times the vehicle has been in the shop, and how many days total your vehicle has been out of service.
DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED by your dealer, repair technicians, or others who might tell you the problems you are experiencing with your vehicle are minor and that you do not qualify under the lemon law for any sort of relief. ONLY AN ATTORNEY who is licensed to practice law in the state where you purchased your vehicle and has some familiarity with the lemon law, can make that determination!

Proxyfire Software and Forum


  1. Thanks for the info.
    I'm about to buy a car actually.
    I've saved this post if you don't mind.

  2. That's really helpful, thanks :)


  3. wow thanks alot man, really useful!
    +1 and followed.

  4. thanks for this Imma go print this out to put it on envelop papers.

  5. yep documentation always serves as evidence if something goes wrong
